
Archive for August 24th, 2011


This week I was asked what was something God was teaching me. After a pause to think I was reminded of how busy my life is right now.

School starts in less than a week, so there is all the prep for that. Summer is still going strong, so there are fun things to do and people to see. Planning for the fall is underway, so there are many things to prioritize and plan. Friends are coming and going, so there are goodbyes and hellos to say. Lots of stuff to stay busy with…

So I don’t think it is a coincidence that I am reading Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret right now. I need the reminder that God has made promises to me as his daughter that I can rely on. However, my sinful, pride-filled self will try to do it all alone. So I need the reminder to pray and seek God’s help.

I can’t do all this ‘busyness’ alone. I can’t get it all done and done well. I need to turn to the one who promised to never leave me; who promised to hear and answer my prayers;  who promised to be a present help in time of need; who promised many more things I can’t remember right at this moment. I need to be dependent on Him with this new season of life and I need to pray/talk to Him more and more each day as I move through this busyness.

He can and will help because He promised to and He has never broken a promise. There is my light for today – resting in the light of His promises.


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